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This great new interactive resource has been specifically designed to meet the needs of first year Secondary School music students who want a more exciting learning experience.

The book covers all of the concepts of grade one theory using a unique practical approach. Each topic is reinforced with a combination of performance pieces, movement activities, listening tasks, and written exercises.

Creative Musicianship assumes no prior musical knowledge but incorporates performance work to extent those with previous training.
It explores:

  • Rhythm and pitch notation
  • Treble and bass clef
  • Bar-lines and time signatures
  • Rests
  • Repeat signs
  • Tones and semitones
  • Accidentals
  • Ledger lines
  • Scales and key signatures
  • And much more

This 96 page workbook makes learning the concepts of grade one theory more fun and relevant. Creative Musicianship is the key to get students from where they are in music to the place they want to be.


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